Week in Review (Ending 12/9/2007)

This was a busy week in Frisco as many people were having their holiday parties.


This afternoon I went to the grand opening of the new facility for Oxysure.  Oxysure bridges the gap between the onset of a medical emergency and the arrival of the first responders on the scene by providing immediate oxygen through their breakthrough technologies.  The success of Oxysure is excited as they are home grown as one of our first graduates of our technology incubator program known as NTEC.  I expect their products to become as common as a fire extinguisher.


This morning I attended a breakfast hosted by the Frisco Developer’s Council.  The FDC invited all of the employees of Frisco to attend as a way to say ‘thank you.’  Manny’s provided the food.  After eating too much over Thanksgiving, I did have to pass on the bacon wrapped sausage…although it was tempting!

In the morning, I met with some Frisco citizens who were looking for guidance on creating a multicultural group in Frisco.  I thought they had some wonderful suggestions so I look forward to helping them get some traction with their efforts.  Their mission is to create more inclusion and acceptance of people with differing beliefs or cultures.

Just before the start of our Council meeting, I attended the ribbon cutting of the Bank of the Ozarks.  It is a new bank located at the NE corner of Preston and Lebanon.  Their employees have jumped into Frisco with both feet and have been very helpful and supportive in Frisco charitable iniatives.


Most of the morning was spent brainstorming with other Realtors on issues facing the industry.  I serve on our Agent Leadership Council where we mentor and train new agents.  We also try to meet a few times a year to discuss local issues facing our industry and our clients.

This afternoon I had the pleasure to attend the FISD Senior Holiday lunch.  No, this was not for graduating seniors.  This party was for the senior citizens of Frisco.  Although they do not have children in the school district, many have grand children in the district or even attended themselves.  Seniors, of course, pay school taxes like everyone even if they have no kids in the school district.  However, they all see the value in having a great school district in their city.  This luncheon was a way to say ‘thank you’ for their continued support.  This event has been hosted since 1980. There were several people there that had graduated from Frisco High School!

My afternoon was spent at the hospital getting an MRI on my knee.  I hurt it before Thanksgiving in a softball accident.  My wife keeps reminding me that I am not 18 anymore.  However, it was a playoff game so I had to go all out.  Of course, adding insult to injury, I was out on the play.

After the MRI, Dana and I attended a Holiday Party hosted by fellow Council Member, David Prince.  It was a lovely evening with the highlight definitely being the chocolate covered apples.  They were incredibly, other than the apple part.


Today I got to watch my oldest son, Zachary, perform in his annual Christmas show at Stonebriar Church.  He attends there, along with his brother, a few days a week for Bible School.  As always, the teachers did a wonderful job with the performance it is always one of my favorite events of the year.

Tonight, Dana and I attended holiday parties for the Frisco Economic Development Corporation and the Frisco Business Association.


Tonight we had out staff appreciation party at our house.  We have been blessed with wonderful employees for both Frisco-Online.com as well as our Real Estate business.  This is always our chance to tell them thanks for their loyalty and support over the years.


Tonight Dana and I celebrated our 6th Anniversary.  We dined at Silver Fox Steakhouse for the first time.  I highly recommend it!

1 Response to “Week in Review (Ending 12/9/2007)”

  1. 1 fact mammal December 12, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    Guess who just brightened up my day? 🙂 Thanks a lot!

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December 2007